Since the practice of seeking out, selecting, and reassembling pre-existing imagery into new and different constellations of elements has always been the engine at the core of my work, I am –perhaps more than anything– an image scavenger. This is the case no matter what medium the work wants to be made in, all of it is a type of collage: a way of reordering, of regrouping, of linking together (possibly diametrically opposed) features of a chaotic world.
Often these constellations cluster, like star debris, into recognizable patterns of similar imagery and, from this remix, pathways are created from which new and unpremeditated work can develop. Underpinning this process is the consistent creation of traditional paper collages: this has developed into a form of training for muscle memory, as well as a mode of thinking, discovering, studying, and understanding – it is the fundamental fuel on which the practice runs.