Would you like to participate as an artist in Atelier in beeld and do you have a question? Or are you a visitor with questions? You will undoubtedly find an answer below. If you can't find what you're looking for, let us know.


The registrations for Atelier in Beeld 2025 are now closed. Would you like to participate in the next edition? Registrations for Atelier in Beeld 2026 will open in January 2026. Subscribe to our newsletter, and we will keep you informed about the start of registrations and other Kunstwerkt projects.

Can I register via telephone?

No, to properly process all the info, we cannot register you by phone. Registering can only be done via the dedicated web form on the website. However, if you have any questions or problems during registration, you may reach us on atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or via the telephone number 09 235 23 20. We’ll be happy to help.

Can I register via email?

No, to properly process all the info, we cannot register you by email. Registering can only be done via the dedicated web form on the website. However, if you have any questions or problems during registration, you may reach us on atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or via the telephone number 09 235 23 20. We’ll be happy to help.

Can I complete the registration on behalf of someone else?

Yes, you can. You will need that artist’s permission as well as their details.

Can we, as municipal civil servants, register artists working in our municipality?

You can arrange someone else’s registration. You will need that artist’s permission as well as their details.

What kind of photographs must be included in my participation request?

We ask you to include at least one photo of the workshop and at least four photos of the work of an artist.

  • Studio picture (horizontal): This photo will be published as your main image on the website. Since you can show only one photo of the studio, give some thought to your choice. What part do you want to show? There’s no need to tidy up for the picture. Show us your space the way it usually looks.
  • Work picture: a good photograph of your work is very important. Choose a picture that shows only your work, not yourself or the space around the work.Do not include people in your work photographs, not even yourself.

In a nutshell, these are the most important pieces of advice:

  • If you don't have a good camera yourself, ask someone to help you. Most smartphones deliver decent quality photos.
  • Make sure the photos are sharp, straight and well lit.
  • Provide photos that are large enough, with a max of 20 MB.
  • File types: png / gif / jpg / jpeg.
We have a shared studio, but not all artists wish to participate. Is it possible to participate with only a few of us?

It is possible. You can register your studio, naming only the artists who want to participate. The artists who aren’t participating need naturally to agree with the fact that you’ll be inviting visitors into the studio.

If you share your studio with a group of artists, is it possible to participate on different days?

Prefer not to. The listing will state that the studio is open for two days with all participating artists, while you will not all be there on the two days. Visitors prefer to visit a studio that is buzzing with activity and where all the artists are present. So try to pick a day when you can all be there. Moreover, your studio does not have to be open for two days. When registering, choose whether you will participate for one or two days.

If you share your studio with a group of artists, do you need to register individually or as a group?

The best thing to do is to agree among yourselves as to who will register first. That person can also add some information about the organisation. As soon as this first registration is accepted, the studio and address are included in our database. The others can then register individually as members of the studio. They’ll just need to type the address of the studio, and the registration form will recognise it.

How do I know for sure if my request to participate was sent correctly?

Immediately after you submit your form, you will receive confirmation from us that we have received your request. If this is not the case, be sure to give us a call. 

After submitting your application, we will get to work. We will double-check all your details and check whether your profile page looks good. You will receive a response from us within three weeks of submitting your application. 

Do you have any questions in the meantime? Contact us at atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or on 09 235 23 20. We will be happy to help.

I registered and received confirmation that my registration is in order. What now?

Yes! You are now officially registered for Atelier in beeld! At the beginning of April you will receive a package with promotional material for the open atelier weekend. Very handy for inviting people and making your studio visible in the neighbourhood! We will also keep you informed of all further preparations and give you promotional tips via e-mail. Any questions? Contact us via atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or 09 235 23 20. We will be happy to help.

How do I know for sure if I registered correctly for Atelier in beeld?

Immediately after you submit your form, you will receive confirmation from us that we have received your request. If this is not the case, be sure to give us a call. 

After submitting your application, we will get to work. We will double-check all your details and check whether your profile page looks good. You will receive a response from us within three weeks of submitting your application. 

Do you have any questions in the meantime? Contact us at atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or on 09 235 23 20. We will be happy to help.

I have registered and have been accepted to participate. What will happen next?

You are now officially registered for Atelier in beeld. There is nothing more to do at the moment. In April we will send you a package with promo material for the open studio weekend. The package will contain posters (A2 format), invitation cards and signposts. Very useful to invite people and to enhance your studio’s visibility in the neighbourhood! We will keep you updated of all subsequent preparations. Email us on info@atelierinbeeld.be or give us a call: 09 235 23 20. We’ll be happy to help.

I filled in the form but did not receive a final confirmation yet. How do I know if everything is OK with my registration?

Immediately after you submit your form, you will receive confirmation from us that we have received your request. If this is not the case, be sure to give us a call. 

After submitting your application, we will get to work. We will double-check all your details and check whether your profile page looks good. You will receive a response from us within three weeks of submitting your application. 

Do you have any questions in the meantime? Contact us at atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or on 09 235 23 20. We will be happy to help.

At the last minute, I am unable to participate after all. What should I do?

No problem, please let us know via email: atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or telephone: 09 235 23 20. We’ll be happy to help you out and remove your participation from our website. If you decide to cancel your participation on the Atelier in beeld weekend itself, we ask you to hang a note saying you’ve cancelled on the entrance to your studio. This way visitors who have already planned a route will know why the doors are closed.


I am not a professional artist. Am I allowed to participate?

Absolutely! When considering your application, we do not take into account whether you are professionally active in the arts or not.

I am a visual artist, and my studio is my desk or kitchen table. Can I participate?

Sure! Some artists work in a spacious hangar, a dedicated space in the house, an empty building, or just at the kitchen table. Everything is possible, as long as it isn’t an exhibition in a space rented for the occasion. Our goal is to show the spaces where work is being produced, so that our visitors may see where and how work comes into being. Photographers, draughtsmen or graphic designers may thus participate also. There is one rule of thumb: show the space where you work!

Is it correct that only art students in adult education are entitled to participate?

That is correct: only classes in adult education can participate. Atelier in beeld is open only to artists of 18 years or older.

I have another nationality. Am I allowed to participate?

Your nationality is not an issue. However, your studio must be located in Flanders or Brussels.

I practise a craft (f.e. jewellery or candles) that is not among your predefined disciplines, can I participate?

Atelier in Pictures focuses specifically on visual arts. All artistic disciplines entitled to participation can be found here. Only artists who create jewellery by practicing the goldsmith’s trade may participate. Candle-making is considered a form of handicraft.

If you work as an artisan and you wish to show your studio, you might want to participate in the Dag van de Ambachten (Artisans’ Day).

I am an artisan, and I don’t find my craft in the disciplines selected on the website. Am I allowed to participate?

Atelier in beeld focuses on visual art exclusively. If you work as an artisan and you wish to show your studio, you might want to participate in the Dag van de Ambachten (Artisans’ Day).

I can't find my technique in the list, can I join?

We have updated the list of techniques so that visitors can easily filter the offer. Can't find your specific technique right away? Many applied arts, such as wood or leather working, can be considered design. All visual arts disciplines that can participate can be found here. Still have a question? Let us know.

How do I share my participation on social media?

You can create an event on Facebook and invite your friends to it. You can also share the link to Atelier in Beeld (specifically your studio) on Facebook to your friends and network.

On Instagram, you can add that link to your bio and start generating interest with a post about the open studio days – a nice photo always works well on Instagram!

Here's more information on how to leverage Instagram and Facebook (these articles are in Dutch):

During the open studio weekend

Do I need to be present in person at all times?

Yes, as a participating artist you must be present during all the days for which you registered. If you wish, you can provide visitors with extra information about your work.

Do I have to offer visitors small bites and drinks?

You may choose to do so, but don't feel obliged to. The important thing is that you are present to provide more information or interact with your audience. 

How do I count my visitors?

Arrange to have a notebook and a pencil and keep a tally of every new visitor. Or if you prefer to count digitally: there are convenient apps such as 'People counter' that you may download on your smartphone.

May I sell works during Atelier in Beeld?

Always great when people want to buy your work! Atelier in beeld is not a commercial event, so it is not the intention to turn your studio into a gallery, but do you want to be prepared? You may for instance supply a document indicating prices to any visitors who may ask you for it. Or you can provide business cards so that any interested visitors can contact you again later on. 

How should I set up my workshop during the open studio weekend?

Show your studio the way it is when you are producing your work there. There is no need to tidy up. On the contrary! Visitors will want to experience the authentic atmosphere of an artist’s studio. Do you also want to show work in and around your studio? Feel free to do so. But the most important thing is that visitors can see the space where you create.

Am I allowed to open or close my studio on different hours than the ones specified in the participation request?

If you participate in Atelier in Pictures, you commit to staying open from 11am to 6pm. Do not deviate from this to avoid visitors standing in front of closed doors. 

You can choose to participate in Atelier in focus for one or two days.

Do I need to be engaged in artistic work while people visit my studio?

That is up to you. Usually, visitors like to talk to and ask questions of the artist, so it won’t always be possible to work. If you want to demonstrate a particuliar technique, feel free to do so, it will make the visit even more fascinating.

Can there be a workshop going on during Atelier in beeld?

Absolutely! It cannot be specified on the website of Atelier in beeld, but feel free to communicate this to potential visitors. In the descriptive text, though, you can announce the workshop.

Should I seek to insure my artworks during the weekend?

We advise you to open a fixed term insurance with an insurance agent of your choice, for:
§  civil liability during your participation: for possible damage done by visitors or third parties;
§  damage done to goods that are used for the purposes of or on account of your participation;
§  via Kunstwerkt it is possible to request an insurance policy to cover the works exhibited in your studio(s). 

If you want more information in this, please contact Bert from Kunstwerkt via info@kunstwerkt.be

Am I allowed to play music during the open studio days?

During Atelier in beeld, your studio is a place open to the public. Consequently, it is not allowed to play music (this goes for radio, cd, vinyl, streaming, etc.), unless you've requested a licence for the use of music via Sabam / Unisono. You have to do this at least 5 days before opening your studio doors to the public. If you don't request and pay for the licence in time, you won't be allowed to play music.

At the last minute, I am unable to participate after all. What should I do?

No problem, please let us know via email: atelierinbeeld@kunstwerkt.be or telephone: 09 235 23 20. We’ll be happy to help you out and remove your participation from our website. If you decide to cancel your participation on the Atelier in beeld weekend itself, we ask you to hang a note saying you’ve cancelled on the entrance to your studio. This way visitors who have already planned a route will know why the doors are closed.