Juanan Soria


About the artist

Juanan Soria got fas­ci­na­ted by archae­o­lo­gy and focu­ses on the topic of Iberian arte­facts of the Protohistory peri­od. The archae­o­lo­gi­cal metho­do­lo­gy and his own artis­tic prac­ti­ce as a pain­ter inspi­red him to do research on the sig­ni­fi­ca­ti­on of ​‘lay­ers’ in the broa­dest sen­se of the word. By esta­blis­hing an inte­res­ting dia­lo­gue bet­ween mate­ri­al cul­tu­re, pain­ting and digi­tal ima­ging, Juanan Soria cre­a­tes mul­ti-lay­e­red art­works that reve­al a mul­ti­tu­de of interpretations.

Juanan Soria (b 1985, Ubeda, Spain) grew up in Andalusia, obtai­ned a BFA in Sevilla and a MA in Valencia, com­ple­ted seve­r­al resi­den­cies and cur­rent­ly lives and works in Ghent. Juanan Soria is a ver­sa­ti­le artist. Beside dra­wing, he paints and cre­a­tes instal­la­ti­ons and video work. He recei­ved many awards inclu­ding the third Prize of the Art Contest 2021.

Film Painting Drawing
Artifact 01. Grafiet op Canson papier. 29,7 x 21 cm. 2023
Artifact 05. Grafiet op Canson papier. 29,7 x 21 cm. 2024
Noctiluca 01. Grafiet op Canson papier. 75 x 106.5 cm. 2024
Ritual. Grafiet op Canson papier. 75 x 105 cm. 2024

Visit this studio

18 May
11u – 18u
The studio is wheelchair accessible.
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