Veerle Melis


About the artist

Veerle Melis (1990, Tilburg, NL) is a self-taught artist who mainly works with textile and textile techniques. She lives and works between Brussels and Tilburg.
Taking inspiration from her autodidactic background, her work can be seen as an ongoing meditation on the ingenuity of (human) nature and on what it means to create. Performing countless repetitive gestures, she learns from her materials and the environment in which she works. These manual gestures, the making of a sketch, material-specific characteristics, conceptual ideas, family histories, slips of materials and attention, little mistakes and other unforeseeable events bring forth inspiration and insights that find their place in her works. Being attentive to these insightful moments leads to a belly-button understanding of and humble stance towards creative phenomena and the world’s different unfoldings. Traces of these insightful moments can be found back in small technical details as well as in the thematics of her works.
Melis has previously exhibited work at San Mei Gallery in London (UK), Generation Brussels (BE), Hotel Maria Kapel in Hoorn (NL) and 10N in Brussels (BE) and has participated in Residencies at Van Gogh House in London (UK) and Arteventura in Aracena (ES).


Veerle Melis

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