Catherine specializes in collages, as well as chalk drawings on wood and dolls related to contemporary themes.
Liliane has over 40 years of experience in ceramics. She mostly prefers flax porcelain, but she also enjoys working with other types of clay.
Aurike's work consists of various media - drawings, site-specific installations, research, architectural explorations - through which she explores the connections between people and places.
Vanessa's illustrative and narrative style captures estranged landscapes and conveys a peculiar sense of déjà vu.
Kristien draws inspiration from light and color, experimentation, and exchange.
Painting and drawing are Greet's passions. Oil paint, chalk paint, and watercolor are the materials she most often works with.
Marleen mostly paints with oil paint, really enjoys working with clay, makes sculptures from various materials and has recently been active at the turntable. She also works in Greet De Craemer's studio.
During Atelier in Pictures, you can take Blue-bike out to visit ateliers for free. Train into town and then hop on a bike to visit all the studios in the area? Ideal!