From Roeselare to Damme: these studios are must visits!

"Which studios would you visit?" In a flood of about 1500 studios, making choices can get more difficult. Therefore, not Kunstwerkt, but six participating artists solve the question. The result? An equal amount of routes along studios worth visiting. In this article artist Dominique Belpaire leads you around four studios in West-Vlaanderen.

On Dominique Belpaire

Dominique's work starts from the paradox between alienation from and craving for nature. Our perception is inseparably influenced by our culture. A subjective world is thus created from our own memories, objects and materials. Time is seemingly stopped in this. However, nature, culture and also the maker are constantly in motion.


Johan Rotsaert

Dominique: “Johan Rotsaert's sculptures have a tremendous dynamism, which appeals to me a lot. The use of organic materials also attracts my attention. I am very curious to be able to see them in real life.”


Matthias De Wolf

Dominique: “The immediacy, action and crisp lines appeal to me in Matthias De Wolf's work. From modelling to digitalising, it all comes together in Matthias' work. Very fascinating.”


Pia Burrick

Dominique: “Pia works on plate glass. Her tree series captures the imagination. For instance, I think the black silhouettes of the trees contrast nicely with the transparency of the glass, creating an intriguing and mysterious effect. The textures and silences she creates in combination with the movement in the work create a beautiful play.”


Kris Logghe

Dominique: “Kris works with all kinds of "banal" materials, each time with a socially engaged approach. After research and experimentation, he manages to turn his ideas into visually fascinating installations with a deeper context. You have to stop and think for a moment. The layering in the work appeals to me. You have to discover his work, it does not immediately reveal everything.”

Get on your bike

During Atelier in Pictures, you can ride Blue-bike for free to visit studios. Take a train into town and then hop on a bike to visit all the studios in the area? Perfect!

Discover the route underneath